Don Julio Anejo 375ml
Don julio anejo 375ml
- Anejo Tequila
- Mexico
- 40%
Product description
Don Julio Añejo Tequila is a testament to the craft of making a superior tasting, aged tequila. Rich, distinctive and wonderfully complex, its flavor strikes the perfect balance between agave, oak and hints of butterscotch and honey. Aged in American white-oak barrels for 18 months, the bright and lightly spiced finish of our luxury tequila is made with 100% Blue Weber Agave and is ready for any celebration. Simply serve neat in a snifter or on the rocks for a classic and simple drink. Don Julio tequila is produced in the Highlands of Jalisco, Mexico, one of the country’s most fertile agave-growing regions. The microclimate and mineral-rich clay soil allow the blue agave plant to flourish. Each bottle of Don Julio tequila is produced here and features our NOM number — our seal of authenticity — signifying where the tequila was made. Unlike many other distilleries, La Primavera only produces our ultra-premium tequila that is crafted with the same attention to detail and passion that founder Don Julio González embodied. Please drink responsibly.