High West American Prairie Bourbon Whiskey 750ml
- Bourbon
- Utah, United States
- 46%
Product description
High West American Prairie Barrel Aged Bourbon Whiskey is a complex blend of straight bourbons, producing an aromatic whiskey that is rich and earthy on the palate. This American bourbon showcases well-balanced flavors of candy corn, honey nougat and sweet corn bread biscuits, with a finish of vanilla and caramel apple. A blend of straight bourbons aged from 2 to 13 years in charred white oak barrels, this High West whiskey is a great sipper and a thoughtful person's whiskey. Its balanced body is also ideal for mixing a Manhattan or countless other whiskey cocktails. This bottle of whiskey helps preserve the West - for each one sold, High West donates a portion of its after-tax profits to the American Prairie Reserve. Choose High West and enjoy delicious craft whiskey made with the pioneering spirit of the West. Sip Responsibly. © 2020 High West Distillery, Park City, UT. 46% alc. by vol.